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Informative Bulletin No. 1 COVID-19

Av Ortega y Gasset 28, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

(809) 566-2636

©2019 by Madera Soriano Consultores.
MADERA SORIANO CONSULTORES is a member of PRIMEGLOBAL, a worldwide association of independent accounting firms and business advisors. PRIMEGLOBAL does not and cannot offer any professional services to clients. Each independent member of PRIMEGLOBAL is a separate firm and an independent legal entity. PRIMEGLOBAL is not a partnership and independent member firms are not acting as agents of PRIMEGLOBAL or other independent member firms.”

MADERA SORIANO CONSULTORES is a member firm of PRIMEGLOBAL, a worldwide organization of independent accounting and business consulting firms. PRIMEGLOBAL does not offer professional services to clients. Each independent member of PRIMEGLOBAL is a separate firm as well as an independent legal entity. PRIMEGLOBAL is not a consortium and the independent member firms do not act as agents of PRIMEGLOBAL or another member firm."

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